Opportunities for Advocacy of the Humanities and of Funding for the Humanities

This post does not represent an AAUP endorsement of the events being sponsored by the National Humanities Alliance. I myself am not even a member of this organization. But in a large number of posts to this blog, a number of contributors have made the case for the value of the Humanities, and this organization is obviously a major advocate for the Humanities and for Humanities funding.


Register for NHA Annual Meeting and Humanities Advocacy Day

Make the case for the humanities on Capitol Hill!

Register today for the 2016 National Humanities Alliance Annual Meeting and Humanities Advocacy Day!

March 14-15, 2016

George Washington University’s Marvin Center and Capitol Hill
Washington, D.C.

Featured Speakers:
Bro Adams, Chairman, National Endowment for the Humanities
Max Kenner, Founder and Executive Director, Bard Prison Initiative

Click here to register today.


Call for Proposals for November 2016 National Humanities Conference

We are pleased to announce our first joint conference with the Federation of State Humanities Councils will be held November 10-13, 2016, in Salt Lake City!

This conference will bring together higher education-based scholars, state humanities councils, and other public facing humanities organizations on a national level. Together we will explore how to achieve broader public impact and showcase the fundamental role the humanities play in addressing both local and global challenges.

More details and the call for proposals can be found here.

We encourage you to submit proposals for sessions and recruit others to do the same! Please contact Beatrice Gurwitz at bgurwitz@nhalliance.org with any questions or for support in building sessions.

National Humanities Alliance




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