Brown University Unveils Plan Investing $100 Million to Improve Diversity and Inclusion


Here is a summary of the key elements of the plan provided in an article written by Bonita Naylor for the Providence Journal:


“Ideas for assuring that no one will be harassed for “race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, nationality, creed, gender identity or disability” include:

—Adding financial support and services, including a new dean, for first-generation and low-income undergraduates.

—Adding staff to the Brown Center for Students of Color, the Sarah Doyle Women’s Center and the LGBTQ Center, as well as a new vice president for Campus Life and Student Services in 2016-2017.

—Matching students with alumni mentors.

—Offering workshops in sensitivity and social justice to professionals and graduate students.

—Training public safety officers.

—Offer workshops and research opportunities on “How Structural Racism Works,” beginning Dec. 2.

—And compile statistics on bias and exclusion.

“On building a more diverse university, the plan calls for doubling the number of faculty, which would mean adding 55 to 60 people, from historically underrepresented groups by 2024-2025 while also doubling the number of underrepresented graduate students and working to attract black, Latino/-a, Native American, and first-generation undergraduates.

“Ideas for enhancing teaching and learning include: creating a center for first-generation college students that would “serve as a home for student-led initiatives”; providing mentors for students of color in the sciences; doubling the number of sophomore seminars on power, privilege, inequality and social justice; expand funding for low-income students to work in the summer; start a committee on changing the curriculum; expand the centers that study race, ethnicity, slavery and justice; and attract researchers to focus on native and indigenous peoples.

“The plan would also create an annual report on diversity and inclusion.”


The complete 19-page plan on is available on Brown’s website:


Donita Naylor’s complete article is available at:




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