Remembering Peter Norman

I don’t usually post items that are not about higher ed on this blog, but I felt a powerful need to share the story below, which I chanced upon earlier today.  I was 21 years old during the 1968 Mexico City Olympics, fresh from a spring of protest and rebellion at Columbia University.  The famous…

Chicago Teachers Authorize Strike

The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) has voted overwhelmingly to authorize a strike, the union announced today.  If that happens it would be the union’s second walkout in four years. “Chicago Teachers Union members do not want to strike, but we do demand that you listen to us,” Jesse Sharkey, the vice president of the union,…

Unanimous Vote: Part-time Faculty Emerson College’s Los Angeles Campus Win Union Representation

The following statement was released today by the AAUP: On Friday, 22 part-time faculty at the Los Angeles campus of Emerson College overwhelmingly won a National Labor Relations Board-supervised election for union representation, choosing to be represented by the American Association of University Professors. The vote was 16-0. “We decided to form a union because…

Professors Slam Gov. Cuomo for Vetoing Bill to Support CUNY, Launch Ad Campaign Pressing Gov. to Fund CUNY

The following is a  press release from the Professional Staff Congress representing faculty at the City University of New York (CUNY): New York—Governor Cuomo’s veto of legislation to protect educational quality for a half-million mostly low-income CUNY students undermines CUNY’s ability to offer an excellent education and betrays the hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers…

American Higher Education: Some Good Cheer for the Holidays

As we move into the holiday season and the end of 2015, it seems especially appropriate to reflect on the positive role of higher education in American society. Next year will present any number of challenges, particularly as the political rhetoric heats up. Some will see bully pulpit opportunities driven by the growing anxiety and…

“Debt-Free College” Being Pushed toward the Front for the 2016 Election

Writing for Bold Progressives, Marissa Barrow has highlighted the attention being given to legislative proposals to allow students to graduate from colleges and universities without debt: “Legislators in 10 states nationwide will be introducing debt-free college legislation, making debt-free college a central 2016 campaign issue from the top to bottom of the ticket. “This state-level…

Follow-Up on EAA Protests at Eastern Michigan University

This past week, there was a protest at Eastern Michigan University against the continuation of the Education Achievement Authority (EAA) that Governor Snyder’s administration created ostensibly to “save” Detroit’s “failing” public school system. The EAA has promoted charter schools at the expense of the already under-funded public schools, while producing no improvement in the educations…