UA Faculty Survey Results

Akron­AAUP Survey  Reveals  Increasingly  Negative  Faculty Sentiment

More than 80% of reporting faculty are not confident in University of Akron leadership.


AKRON, Ohio – May 2, 2016 – A recent Akron­AAUP survey of the faculty indicates even less confidence in University of Akron leadership than was measured by a similar survey during the fall semester. More than 75% of bargaining unit faculty responded to the online survey, the results of which  reflect  faculty sentiment  across academic areas.

“In spite of overwhelming faculty support for our new contract, on every issue measured, faculty have more negative views of UA than they had just 7 months ago,” says Akron­AAUP President and Professor of Sociology, John Zipp. “Approximately 9 out of every 10 faculty believe that the university is worse off than it was two years ago, that the public sees the University more negatively, that shared governance is not working well on our campus, and that they have little confidence in the direction the leadership is taking the university.”


Would you say that the university is better off … or is it worse  off? 72.2% Worse Off 90.1% Worse Off
Would you say that your department or school is better or worse off  …? 73.1% Worse Off 77.4% Worse Off
How about your students? Would you say that they are better or worse   off? 47.2%



Worse Off


About Same




Worse Off


About Same

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “Shared governance is working well at The University of  Akron.” 81.3% Disagree 85.8% Disagree
Do you have confidence in the university’s strategic  planning  and  budgeting process? 79.7% No 88.3% No
Are you confident that President Scarborough is leading the university in a positive direction? 72.2% No 89.3% No
Are you confident that the Board of Trustees has been upholding its responsibilities? 78.1% No 87.9% No
Do you believe that President Scarborough values the learning and scholarship mission of the University? 80.8% No
Thinking  about your  interactions within the broader community of NE Ohio, do you think that UA is seen as doing better or worse than it was doing two years ago? 92.2 % Worse Off
The Faculty Senate voted no confidence in the President at its meeting on February  4th. Since then, he has made no public comment responding to the concerns expressed in the preamble to the Senate’s no confidence motion. Do you feel that is appropriate? 84.9%     No. The President has waited too long to  respond.
There have been many public views expressed about President Scarborough and his plan for the University. Some say that the President just needs more time to fully implement his plan for the University. Others say that there has been enough time, and the plan is not working. How do you feel about the President’s   plans? 80.0%     There has been enough time. The plan is not working. We must change course; the longer we wait, the worse  the damage will be.


Note: the questions that do not have results for Fall 2015 were not asked in that survey.


More than 75% of bargaining unit faculty completed the survey, and it is broadly representative of full­time faculty across    campus.

College % of  College Faculty Responding
Buchtel College of Arts and  Sciences 77%
College of Applied Science and Technology 73%
College  of  Business Administration 67%
College  of Engineering 67%
College of Health  Professions 82%
College of Polymer Science and 40%
Polymer Engineering
Lebron James Family Foundation College of Education 77%
University Libraries 80%
Wayne College 77%
Developmental  Programs 64%




Media  Contact: John  Zipp, President

The University of Akron Chapter of The American Association  of  University Professors

Phone  (330) 972­6893





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