Higher Ed Jobs Releases First Quarter Report

Here are the highlights of the 2016-Q1 report from Higher Ed Jobs:

–The number of jobs in higher education expanded in Q1 2016 at the highest growth rate for the first quarter in three years.

–While the number of jobs in higher education expanded at a slightly higher rate in Q1 2016, the number of higher education job postings increased at a slightly slower pace.

–The ratio of faculty to administrative and executive postings continued to decline in Q1 2016 and at a greater rate than the year before. However, despite the diminishing ratio of faculty job postings, the actual number of faculty job postings continued to increase.

–Job postings for part-time positions continued to increase in Q1 2016 but at a declining rate of growth. Meanwhile, job postings for full-time positions not only increased, but accelerated.

–Job postings for full-time faculty grew at a faster rate in Q1 2016 compared to the previous year while postings for part-time faculty were static.

–The number of jobs at community colleges continued to decline during Q1 2016. However, the number of advertised job openings at community colleges continued to increase during the same time period, although at a much slower rate than in previous years.

–The Northeast region experienced the largest percentage increase in higher education job postings in Q1 2016, driven by strong growth in both its divisions.


The complete report is available at: https://www.higheredjobs.com/documents/HEJ_Employment_Report_2016_Q1.pdf.



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