UT Faculty Sue over Campus Carry


The following is taken from an article by Benjamin Wermund written for the Houston Chronicle:

“Jennifer Lynn Glass, Lisa Moore and Mia Carter want a federal judge to block a new Texas law that would allow people to carry concealed handguns throughout college campuses beginning August 1. They are suing Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, UT Austin President Gregory Fenves and the UT regents to do so.

“’Compelling professors at a public university to allow, without any limitation or restriction, students to carry concealed guns in their classrooms chills their First Amendment rights to academic freedom,’ the professors argue in the lawsuit filed in U.S. district court in Austin on Wednesday.

“The professors also say the campus carry law violates their second and 14th Amendment rights. . . .

“’As part of the learning process, they sometimes have to engage in difficult discussions of controversial, emotionally-laden topics,’ according to the suit. ‘It is inevitable that they will have to pull back, consciously or subconsciously, at important junctures in classroom exposition and discussion.’

“Supporters of the new campus carry law have said the professors fears are overblown.

“’It’s an absolutely unfounded fear,’ Jacob Smith, who teaches courses at UH as he works toward a doctorate in economics, said in February when many UH professors protested the law. Like many supporters of the new law, Smith said he wants to be able to protect himself. He noted that he regularly receives alerts from UH about armed robberies and break-ins.”


Wermund’s article is available at: http://www.chron.com/local/education/campus-chronicles/article/Three-UT-professors-sue-over-campus-carry-8344335.php.



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  1. Pingback: “Campus Carry” Goes Into Effect in Texas | ACADEME BLOG

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