Statistic of the Day


According to a Public Policy Polling survey released on August 16, Donald Trump holds a relatively narrow 6-point lead over Hillary Clinton in Texas built on his strength with white and older voters.

Trump leads Clinton with 50 percent to her 44 percent, according to the poll of 944 likely voters conducted between August 12 and August 15. The poll has a margin of error of 3.2 percentage points.

Yet, PPP also found that three out of five Texans who said that they would not vote for Hillary Clinton also said they would support seceding from America if she becomes president.

But, beyond that all-too-predictable result result, the polling is very surprising. Consider the election results from the previous two presidential and gubernatorial elections in Texas:

2008 Presidential Election

2010 Gubernatorial Election

2010 Gubernatorial Election

2012 Presidential Election

2012 Presidential Election

2014 Gubernatorial Election

2014 Gubernatorial Election




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