Quotation of the Day


“The liberal media took what I said and went against the law and the Constitution and ran with it, and they said that I wanted [Hillary Clinton] assassinated, which I never did. I said I spoke as a veteran, and she should be shot in a firing squad for treason.”

Al Baldasaro, Trump Advisor, to MassLive.com


Subsequent Television Interview in New Hampshire:

Q: One of your good friends and one of your biggest supporters here in New Hampshire, state Rep. Al Baldasaro, he’s here today. He said some controversial things over the last month or two about Hillary Clinton, suggesting she should be put in front of a firing squad for treason. What do you think about his comments? Do you condone them?

Trump: Well, I didn’t know that but I will tell you he’s a very fine person. He is a person that loves the military and loves the veterans. He is a man that, as far as veterans and veterans affairs goes, I don’t think anybody knows more than Al. He loves the veterans and what I really know about him is that nobody wants to take care of the veterans of this country, who have been treated horribly, more than Al. So that’s what I do know.

Q: But you don’t condone any comments?

Trump: I don’t know what he said. You’d have to show me what he said.




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