Trump University Valedictorian Speech, Class of 2009


This satiric piece has been written by Seth Fried for the New Yorker. What follows is the second paragraph of the speech:

“It will be sad to leave a place where we learned so much about ourselves, like when we all discovered, with some guidance, that the thirty-five-thousand-dollar Trump Élite Gold Program was the perfect fit for our educational needs. In that program we were encouraged to push against our upper limits. And when we mistook that to be a motivational sentiment, it was explained to us that, no, we should literally have our creditors increase our spending limits so that we could afford to pay Trump University. We also learned not to give in to naysayers, like when the state of New York told Trump University that it was violating state law by calling itself a university. Did our school give up in the face of that difficulty? It did not. It continues to call itself a university to this day, and that demonstration of courage kept many of us from giving up on ourselves when our significant others kicked us out for accruing a massive amount of debt to get business tips that we probably could have found for free on the Internet.”


The complete piece is available at:



2 thoughts on “Trump University Valedictorian Speech, Class of 2009

  1. Donald Trump is a con artist, who sees his opportunities and takes them:

    “There is a sucker born every minute and two to take him.”

    –attributed to circus showman P. T. Barnum

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