Alaska-Anchorage Senate Votes No Confidence in President


Writing for Alaska Dispatch News, Tegan Hanlon reports:

“The University of Alaska Anchorage Faculty Senate on Friday [January 20} voted no confidence in the leadership of the university system president, Jim Johnsen, saying faculty turnover had increased and morale had plummeted during Johnsen’s time in office.

“The resolution, a nonbinding expression of faculty sentiment, was approved 28-9.

“It said that faculty had been shut out of decisions during the massive, ongoing restructuring of the University of Alaska system, composed of three main campuses. The restructuring, ‘Strategic Pathways,’ started in early 2016 and involves evaluating the sprawling university system’s academic and administrative programs to cut costs, reduce duplication and focus on the strengths of each campus.

“UAA faculty members said Friday that while Strategic Pathways was advertised as ‘collaborative,’ Johnsen failed to take into account their concerns and issues. They also criticized the lack of financial information on decisions made under Strategic Pathways, including cost-benefit analyses, costs associated with implementing changes, and estimated returns on investment. . . .”


Hanlon’s complete article is available at:



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