Survey Responses from STEM Educators Needed


Dr. Anne Lucietto, of Purdue Polytechnic Institute, is a researcher in STEM education. She is in the preliminary stages of a project concerning educators, especially STEM educators and their experience teaching STEM students. She is requesting that educators at any level—K-12, undergraduate, or graduate—take the survey, which covers three areas: demographics, teaching practices, and beliefs related to teaching students. The survey only takes a few minutes and will provide Dr. Lucietto’s team with important information to further understanding of teaching and working with STEM students.

No identifying information will be collected. Demographics are collected, but only to study differences in responses based on gender, age, experiences, teaching methods, and thoughts regarding teaching STEM students.

This survey can be found at

Thank you for your time and for your support.

Any questions may be forwarded to:

Anne Lucietto, Ph.D.
Purdue Polytechnic Institute



One thought on “Survey Responses from STEM Educators Needed

  1. I am wondering:
    a) why the survey? what does it hope to show
    b) has it been pretested and what did it show and what adjustments were made?
    c) who are the beneficiaries of the results and how will they use the results?

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