Boston Review Devotes Issue to MLK’s Legacy


The first 2018 issue of the Boston Review [] is devoted to the appreciation of, reflections on, and reconsiderations of the many elements of the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


The contents include the following contributions:



MLK Now, Brandon M. Terry

King in Context, Barbara Ransby

The Pivot to Class, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor

Diagnosing Racial Capitalism, Andrew Douglas

A National Problem, Jeanne Theoharis

On Violence and Nonviolence, Elizabeth Hinton

Sparking King’s Revolution, Bernard E. Harcourt

A Revolution in Values, Brandon M. Terry


Baldwin’s Lonely Country, Ed Pavlic

Against National Security Citizenship, Aziz Rana

1968 and the Crisis of Liberalism, Samuel Moyn

Exceptional Victims, Christopher G. Appy

The Almost Inevitable Failure of Justice, Thad Williamson



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  2. Pingback: Boston Review Devotes Issue to MLK’s Legacy | Ohio Higher Ed

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