Headline of the Day: In the Land of Unrealized Awards


This headline is from today’s Wonkette newsletter:

Michael Cohen’s Tell-All Book Has Been Cancelled. Sorry, Pulitzer Committee!

Wonkette is available at: https://wonkette.com/.

It is in the same vein as The Onion but much nastier and unrestrained: that is, I sometimes cringe or flinch right before I laugh out loud—that is, at its best, it is both very cathartic and completely indefensible.



2 thoughts on “Headline of the Day: In the Land of Unrealized Awards

  1. Pingback: Headline of the Day: In the Land of Unrealized Awards | Ohio Politics

  2. Pingback: Headline of the Day: In the Land of Unrealized Awards | Stuff for a Slow Day

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