Today, Mark Janus Retired as a Public Employee


The general reaction seems to have been fairly uniform:

But while some people have seemed quite jubilant at the news,

other people seem to be holding a grudge.



4 thoughts on “Today, Mark Janus Retired as a Public Employee

  1. Pingback: Today, Mark Janus Retired as a Public Employee | Ohio Politics

  2. Be careful what You all rejoice over. Mr. Janus can now say and do things he couldn’t have while in that government job.

    He’s in good company along with two other famous opponents of organized labor who had grave reservations about collective bargaining with public, i.e., government employees — Franklin Delano Roosevelt and George Meany.

  3. Mark Janus gets a Supreme Court ruling and announces his retirement less than a month later.
    What does that say about him? Mark says he became a child support worker because of his “sense of public service.” He wanted to help the people in Illinois, but leaves his job as soon as he gets his ruling. He didn’t have a problem with all the raises the union helped negotiate while he worked for the state. He said he disagrees with Afscme’s “demands for salary and benefit increases.” But he benefited year after year of pay increases, good insurance and benefits, and now complains about it in public.
    You can’t have it both ways. He could have left for another job whenever he wanted. He didn’t complain each time he got a raise, but now that he’s won his court case and is retiring, he says the raises are too much. He also thinks that we should pay more for our insurance. He’ll have his insurance covered. He can afford to retire since he was Rauner’s front man in the lawsuit against the union, and I’m sure he’ll be “taken care of” financially by his new buddies.

    The Governor believes all state employees are overpaid, and have overpriced benefits. I guess he didn’t think Mark Janus was overpaid. He wants to outsource our jobs. But now Janus doesn’t have to worry about that.

    If Mark Janus was so upset over paying $45 a month on union dues, he could have left any time, and gone to work somewhere else. He obviously was well paid – making $71,000 for being a child support worker. Most state workers and child support workers stay because they love the job and want to help people. Mark Janus does not appear to really want to help those we serve in the state.

    Everyone knows that Governor Rauner and his friends backed and bought Mark Janus. I don’t know how he sleeps at night.
    Now that Mark Janus, I mean Rauner and his friends, won the court case, Janus is retiring. Boy is that convenient. If you fight for something in court that is important to you, you should stick around for the outcome and it’s affects. So now that Janus doesn’t have to pay union dues anymore, he quits work, oh I mean retires. It’s too convenient.
    That solidifies that this court case was never Mark Janus’ case about paying $45 a month in dues at all. If he was planning on retiring, he could have retired any time before this case started, or was finalized. It’s makes you realize that he is not genuine, or authentic. Now he’s going to travel for speaking engagements and run a blog. I’m sure his new buddies will take care of him financially, so he can afford to do this. I guess it’s one of the perks of his new found friends.

    I am disgusted by all of this.

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