For Those of Us Who Prefer to Spread Our Achievements over a Lifetime


About a week ago, Nicole Williams contributed a short article to the CNN website with the title “He Just Graduated from College and Wants to Be an Astrophysicist. Oh, and He’s 11.”

William Maillis (photo below) has received his Associate in Arts degree from St. Petersburg College in Florida.  He’s planning on attending the University of South Florida this fall. His goal is to complete his doctorate in astrophysics by the time he’s 18, which, as Williams feels compelled to note, is “the age many people are when they begin college.”

The article also notes that William started college in 2016 after graduating high school at age of 9. So, for those of us who were learning how to spell “reading,” “science,” and “unlucky” at age 9 (I have checked and they are all words on the standard 4th-grade spelling lists), there is some small consolation in the fact that it did take him two years to complete his Associates degree.


Nicole Williams’ complete articles is available at:



3 thoughts on “For Those of Us Who Prefer to Spread Our Achievements over a Lifetime

  1. Pingback: For Those of Us Who Prefer to Spread Our Achievements over a Lifetime | Stuff for a Slow Day

  2. Pingback: For Those of Us Who Prefer to Spread Our Achievements over a Lifetime | Ohio Higher Ed

  3. Amazing. And when I was 9 and in the 4th grade, I hadn’t yet figured out that spelling is trivial.

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