OCAAUP 2018 Annual Meeting Resolution 1: Increased State Funding


This resolution was passed unanimously by the chapter leaders and members attending this year’s annual meeting in the Columbus suburb of Westerville.

Whereas the state funding for public higher education has been declining for the last 30 years,

Whereas the State Share of Instruction (SSI) accounts for only about 13 percent of institutional budgets,

Whereas Ohio ranks 12th in the nation for highest average student debt,

Whereas it is no longer possible for an Ohio student to fund a public university education with low-wage employment,

Whereas state tax cuts have reduced revenue, compromising the ability of the state to provide adequate funding for higher education,

Whereas higher education is a major driver of individual and societal success and progress;

Be it resolved that the Ohio Conference AAUP urges the Governor and General Assembly to avoid further revenue reductions and to pursue fair tax policies;

Be it further resolved that the Ohio Conference AAUP urges the Governor and General Assembly to increase higher education funding beyond pre-recession levels.



2 thoughts on “OCAAUP 2018 Annual Meeting Resolution 1: Increased State Funding

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  2. Pingback: OCAAUP 2018 Annual Meeting Resolution 1: Increased State Funding | Ohio Higher Ed

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