Sherrod Brown’s Platform Positions of Higher Education


Early last summer, Sherrod Brown’s senatorial campaign contacted the leadership of the Ohio Conference about what he could provide to us on his positions. The OCAAUP tries to limit its focus to issues related to higher-education and collective-bargaining rights. Senator Brown’s positions on labor issues are very well known, and after some back and forth, the campaign produced the following position statement on higher-education issues that we could distribute to our members, our students, and allied groups.

One needs to remember that most of the issues that most engage our attention, especially at public colleges and universities, involve state and not federal legislation. And, of course, beyond the fact that our conference leadership had some input into the refinement of these ideas, the fact that Senator Brown is being discussed as a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020 should make the platform of broader interest.


Senator Sherrod Brown: Fighting For Affordable Higher Education

From skyrocketing college costs to predatory for-profit institutions, higher education is rapidly becoming unattainable for many Americans. Senator Sherrod Brown is fighting to change that. He has spent his career working for students and educators, leading the charge on a range of issues — from spearheading efforts to expand access to student loans to holding for-profit institutions accountable. Students and educators in Ohio and across the country know they can count on Sherrod Brown to fight for them.

Senator Brown Works to Expand Access to Affordable Higher Education

An entire generation is drowning in student debt, and Sherrod is committed to getting them relief. He has championed efforts to protect students from predatory student loan providers, called for stronger protections against unfair and abusive lending practices, and backed legislation to allow students and their families to refinance their existing student loan debt. Sherrod is also working to make college more affordable for Ohio families, fighting to expand student loan programs and pushing for tax reforms that would make it easier for middle-class families to afford higher education.

Sherrod supports waiving tuition and fees for students attending community colleges or minority-serving institutions, an initiative that could make it easier for thousands of Ohioans and nearly nine million students across the country to achieve a college degree.

Senator Brown Supports Ohio Colleges and Universities

Sherrod is proud of Ohio’s higher education system. He consistently works to ensure that our colleges and universities have the resources necessary to continue offering field-leading educational opportunities. Every Ohioan deserves the opportunity to study at a world-class in-state institution. Sherrod has also worked to ensure recognition and resources for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

Senator Brown Is Committed to Ohio Communities

Sherrod always stands with students, educators, and families to fight for accessible, quality higher education. He regularly hosts educator forums and student leadership summits across the state so he can best advocate for those communities, including the Ohio College and University Presidents’ Conference, a unique opportunity for educators to address common goals, needs, and opportunities.

When SB5 threatened to restrict Ohio educators’ collective bargaining rights, Sherrod stood up for them. He spoke out against SB5 and advocated for its successful defeat.

Senator Brown Fights against Predatory For-Profit Colleges

Sherrod reached across the aisle to build a bipartisan plan that boosted GI benefits and provided relief to veterans who were taken advantage of by failed for-profit institutions. Sherrod has also worked towards ending deceitful marketing practices used by for-profit colleges — including some shamefully aimed at veterans — by holding high-paid executives accountable for their tactics.



2 thoughts on “Sherrod Brown’s Platform Positions of Higher Education

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