Tell UNM to Let Faculty Union Election Proceed


Faculty members at the University of New Mexico have been talking to their colleagues for the past two years about the possibility of organizing a union to strengthen their voice on campus. A clear majority of the 1,600 faculty members support this move, and the United Academics of the University of New Mexico has petitioned for a union, submitting a showing of interest to the University of New Mexico Labor Board on February 15.

Instead of moving promptly to a union election this semester, the university has decided to hire one of the most notorious “union-avoidance” law firms in the United States, Jackson Lewis. The administration is contesting the petition for a union on spurious grounds in order to delay the election.

Faculty at UNM are asking supporters to sign on to a letter demanding that the university drop its objections and support an election this semester.

Please sign the letter and tell the university to let the election proceed. 

More information can be found on the faculty’s Facebook page and Twitter feed.

