Register for Summer Institute in Chicago!


Chicago skyline with L train in foreground and Roosevelt University building in backgroundRegistration for the 2019 AAUP/AAUP-CBC Summer Institute is open! Join us July 25–28 at Roosevelt University in Chicago.

View the complete program and reserve your spot.

Summer Institute is a four-day workshop series that connects you with academic activists and develops your skills so you can make change on campus. Defend the profession, build people power, stand up for collective bargaining—you’ll be recharged and ready to take action after you come back from the Summer Institute.

This year, we are offering excellent new content, including

  • A special training series from the Midwest Academy—a leading national training institute committed to advancing the struggle for social, economic, and racial justice
  • Building successful AAUP chapters inside and outside of collective bargaining
  • Navigating Title IX issues
  • Taking on campus “free speech” legislation through chapter organizing

Did I mention that Summer Institute is fun? Ask anyone who has attended in the past, and check out last year’s photo album.

Register by May 28 to take advantage of early registration rates.

Christopher Simeone is the AAUP’s director of organizing and services.