Public Opinion on College Football This Fall


Morning Consult has released the results of its recent polling on whether the BCS playoffs should be held now that two of the Power 5 conferences have postponed their seasons.

Of more interest, I think, is the related polling on whether the Big 10 and the PAC-12 made the right decision in postponing their fall seasons:

At least according to this well-established polling source, the decision is simply not as controversial as it has been made out to be.



6 thoughts on “Public Opinion on College Football This Fall

  1. Pingback: Public Opinion on College Football This Fall | Ohio Higher Ed

  2. Pingback: Public Opinion on College Football This Fall | Ohio Politics

  3. Pingback: Public Opinion on College Football This Fall – Provisional Hermit

  4. Pingback: Public Opinion on College Football This Fall « By the Numbers

  5. This poll is quite shocking to me, but in a good way. It’s refreshing to see college athletes treated with concern rather than regarded as commodities. I suspect the support would be much lower to postpone the NFL, but there’s an appropriate difference between college and pro sports, and a pandemic is a good reminder of that difference.

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