Show Compassion for Students during the Election


We are in the middle of a presidential election like no other in my lifetime. We no longer see a sense of decorum in the office of the presidency nor in the broader political sphere, and the truth doesn’t seem to matter anymore. Although I have been a professor for over twenty years and have experienced uncertainty around election time, I have not witnessed the fear, anger, stress, and sense of helplessness among students that I am seeing right now.

handful of buttons that say VOTE in patriotic colorsSome of my faculty colleagues throughout the nation believe that our students should just suck it up and realize that dealing with this mess is part of being adults. However, none of us knows what is going to happen on November 3, 2020. Polls used to be good predictors of who might win the presidential election, but in our current polarized US political environment I don’t believe people are always honest when responding to pollsters. Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight, who was able to predict nearly every political race—big and small—in 2008 and 2012, predicted a win for Hillary Clinton in 2016, just as most other polls did. Regardless of who is elected to the presidency, the losing side will be angry and we don’t know how people might act out if their candidate doesn’t win. Some pundits are predicting a “civil war,” pitting conservatives and liberals against each other, and unfortunately, some politicians are stoking the fires of this potential war. And, the period following the election might also be a time when students may feel compelled to engage in peaceful protest.

In the midst of this chaos, students are trying to learn. They are envisioning a future with uncertainty and fear. They are preparing to take exams. They are beginning to write course papers. And, yes, they need to do all of these things, and will have to learn to exist and excel in the world even in the middle of chaos. I have always been a professor with high expectations and a strict syllabus that asks students to plan ahead, be organized, and be prepared to tackle their assignments in a timely manner. However, I think that at this time, and in this particular situation, we need to go easy on our students, and realize that we may need to allow for open discussion around the election results and students’ reactions to them in our classes regardless of what we teach. It is impossible to anticipate and plan when there is no certainty, and the nation is turned upside down, with politicians, and even media outlets, sowing doubt that we will have an outcome on election night. In addition to showing compassion for our students, I also think we should go easy on ourselves.

I’m appealing to my faculty colleagues across the nation to refrain from scheduling exams or assigning papers due during the week of the election. I realize that most faculty have already distributed syllabi, but please consider moving things around a bit. I am asking not as a partisan gesture but as a plea to your compassion, your humanity, and maybe even your patriotism. Voting should be encouraged and lauded in a democracy. Taking the election seriously is important and we should model this behavior for others in society. And given that no matter who is elected president, there will be uncertainty and disarray, let’s not add to the stress.

If you are asking, “What’s different about this presidential election year from others?,” please consider that we are in a worldwide pandemic with no end in sight, over 200,000 people have died, people are hurting due to dire economic conditions, racial unrest is constant and heightened, and there are unprecedented natural disasters ravaging the country with little federal assistance. We could all use some compassion and care. We should all do what we can to ease the stress of others and, in this case, our students. Will you join me?

Marybeth Gasman is the Samuel DeWitt Proctor Endowed Chair and distinguished professor in the Graduate School of Education at Rutgers University. She is also the author with Clifton Conrad of Educating a Diverse Nation.




5 thoughts on “Show Compassion for Students during the Election

  1. The sense of civic responsibility evidenced in this essay is laudable, but, on the other hand, the essay seems to be informed by the expectation that students will all vote wisely or perhaps for the liberal candidates. That is not true, and is part of academic sentimentality–the post-Romantic notion that children are always wise. At my institution, the overwhelming majority of students support Donald Trump. It would, perhaps, be better for humanity were they not to vote.

    • I think you are correctly implying that Dr. Gasman is a liberal (her politics are pretty well known from her public writing), and that she may be (incorrectly)assuming that the students are all liberal too…

      That said, the sentiment surrounding the election could be real on both sides and the idea of perhaps keeping exams off election week is not wrong even for your Trump supporting students as they will be pretty upset if Trump loses. Four years ago, one of my then high school age daughter’s classmates stated that he would commit suicide if Trump did not win….

      Also, while I will be voting for Biden, I am pretty horrified by the sentiment of your post with the implication that you should not be encouraging your conservative students to vote. We should be encouraging ALL of our students to vote as this is necessary for civil society. Yes, Biden could lose if folks of all political stripes express their opinions. If that happens, it means that liberals have NOT made their case to the American people and are instead over reaching their “mandate” by just staying within their own echo chambers….

      Hopefully if you are not a political scientist, or a prof in a “studies” department, you keep your classes professional and keep politics out.

  2. People who are too “sensitive” to hold up under the trials and tribulations of a close election (or an obviously unintended “MICRO-aggression”) maybe shouldn’t vote at all.

    I’m all for “going easy” on students — when they’re in grades K-12. Yes, part of college is learning to be an adult, even in particularly distressing times. Sometimes Life just gangs up on you.

  3. It is difficult to discern what official position the writer is advancing; it seem to be merely bias reinforcement in the Left’s victimization psychology. I might agree with the writer if the students, for example, had their homes and businesses destroyed by recent BLM/Antifa/DNC paid rioters, which continues as I write this. Come to Chicago. See the carnage, compliments of the ideology of the Obama-Lightfoot-Sanders UChicago alumnae triumvarite. Perhaps Obama will host the students at his estate in Martha’s Vineyard; Bernie at his estate in Vermont; or Lightfoot in her Chicago mansion for champagne, smoked oysters and brie. Otherwise, Mr. Tomasulo makes the core rebuttal. Regards.

    • I find myself agreeing with Matt Anderson again (especially since he agrees with ME!) Seriously, though, this reminds me of the year I taught at UC, Santa Cruz, one of the most liberal campuses in the U.S. (and always rated the most beautiful one).

      I was there for the BIG earthquake, which seemed to be epicentered under my office. 🙂 I gave my students a break since many were discombobulated by having the ground beneath their feet shaking + aftershocks. Some ended up homeless or even injured. So, they were given an extra week to turn in assignments; if there were extenuating circumstances, I was even more compassionate.

      The earthquake was in October; Months later, I was strolling on campus the following May and encountered a student from the Earthquake Class. “Hey, don’t you owe me a paper from October?” I asked.

      His reply: “Man, there was an earthquake!”

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