Blog Survey Seeks Reader Feedback


Will you help us by completing this short survey about Academe Blog?

Since 2011, the AAUP’s Academe Blog has provided a forum for faculty perspectives on higher education. As an extension of Academe magazine, the blog features timely news and commentary on the issues that matter most to AAUP members and a broader audience of readers interested in higher education.

Contributors to the blog—which publishes hundreds of posts per year—include AAUP members, chapter leaders, and staff; the blog’s contributing editors; and other regular and guest bloggers. Posts offer a diverse range of viewpoints, and opinions expressed in blog posts do not necessarily represent the policies of the AAUP.

We are interested in learning more about the blog’s readers, their opinions about blog content, and their engagement with the blog’s posts and reader comments. Please complete this short survey about the blog by December 10. We appreciate your feedback, which will help us to plan for the future of Academe Blog!