Defending Students


a view of protesters from behind; one black sign with the word "RESIST" in white letters appears among the white back sides of other signsAs Emory University sent police in late April to raid a student protest encampment—during which at least three faculty were arrested, one thrown to the ground—my state’s largest newspaper asked me as president of the state AAUP conference for my thoughts on the national situation that engulfed more than seventy-five public college campuses and numerous, high-profile private colleges.

One of those Emory professorssenate chair elect and former AAUP chapter leaderhas written about the events for the same newspaper. You can read that here

I also thought reposting my words would be interesting if not helpful to readers of this blog. Here is what I wrote:

The images and videos from Emory last week are disheartening.

But I want to tell you about the Emory I saw a month ago. The first week in April I visited the Oxford campus of Emory. If you have never been, the grounds look like the most iconic college campus. Gothic halls, lush green quad, and about 1,000 students. 

That night about 100 students who could have gone to the rock wall or studied in a hammock chose instead to fill an old gym to hear me speak about how faculty organizing can help students. I told them how it could improve their life on campustenure helps their favorite professors stick around, for example. 

I also told them how it could improve their life after campus. I told them what they learn at Emory can apply later. In other words, they don’t merely learn how to do their profession at Emory but how to defend it. 

This often comes in a moment down the road when their self-interested career turns into something that includes others. Maybe it’s when they pass the bar or licensing exam. Or maybe when they discover others don’t respect their profession. Getting people to do this kind of work is the heart of any employee organizing. 

This is what we are seeing on campuses across the nation. Students finding ways to stand up for others. And faculty are standing up for students. We faculty want students to learn. Learn how to understand others, not hate. Learn how to understand the religious, social, historical, economic, and educational contexts they and we live in. These contexts affect all professions. Yours and mine. 

No matter what we teach or what level of student, our profession is our students. 

We defend students from people who want to use them for their own agenda. We defend students from people who want to abuse them. We defend students from people who want to silence them. We defend students from people who want to intimidate, harass, and demean their identities. And yes sometimes then we defend students from other students who want to do the same. 

Faculty can’t be faculty without students. And students can’t claim the distinction of a degree from places like Emory without faculty. It’s not a transactional relationship. It’s one built on the ethics of our profession. It is built on trust.

As of Friday there had been more than 30 protests on public campuses. With a similar number at private schools, that means these protests number far below the hundreds across the nation after four people were killed at Kent State and two more a week later at Jackson State in May 1970. That month changed the nation for decades.

Things are different on campus today. It’s not merely proliferation of laws allowing concealed weapons on campus or new governors eager to repeat their predecessors from that era. It’s a disturbing nadir of public support for higher education. The trust among so many stakeholders is gone.

Maybe you’ve seen the images from Emory. 

Maybe you think students claiming to occupy a campus quad should be removed even if all they do is chant. 

Maybe you call these protests pro-Hamas intimidation of Jewish students. Maybe you would shut it all downcamps and chants.  

Maybe you think not only did the protesting students get what they deserve from police but the students were trained in such terrorism by faculty who should have been not merely thrown to the ground but in jail. 

These are opinions I have come across in recent days.

They are opinions of my profession. They are also opinions in my profession. 

You might be surprised to learn faculty differ on issues, even issues as personal as protests on their campus.  

But at Emory and other campuses many faculty put aside any differences and showed that their profession was their students. 

This profession is certainly not about indoctrination. It’s also not about choosing sides on political issues, though of course our syllabi are filled with politics. If our profession is students, we don’t silence, disrespect, or abuse students because we would be killing our profession. 

I work at a college on the margins. We are not an “elite” school nor a flagship. We have students who take out loans, work full time, and struggle not just with coursework but life. 

This semester I have had students tell me they have been kicked out of their house, their parents are divorcing, and they just needed time away. They trusted me.  

We have not had any protests. I suppose students haven’t had any time for them. 

What if we did? What would I do?

I might do what some Emory faculty did on the second day of protests. They wore large name tags that said they were “faculty observers.” They wanted to make sure students didn’t act in a way to get police reaction. They also wanted to observe any police action. If their presence increases safety, maybe professors have some power after all. 

I ask you: how do you advocate for your profession?

That is the question I asked of those Emory students a few weeks ago. 

If we teach well, they will defend theirs. And I trust that they will defend mine. 

Higher education needs your trust at this moment. 

Contributing editor Matthew Boedy is the Georgia AAUP president and professor at the University of North Georgia. He is on Twitter or X @matthewboedy.






One thought on “Defending Students

  1. All of this is a tragic comedy. Look, stop trying to save or bend or bully or shame or share with (ha! ha!) the higher education institutional (HEI) model of university and college employers and facilitators. If you really want to help students, then do so as an academic in independent professional society and practice, not a hogtied institutional faculty employee.

    Though most institutions literally have their own police force – the University of California has one that costs over $155 million per year! – who called the police? Who threatens students and academics in numerous serious ways? The institutions. Why is this so hard to see, even when I offer a very clear picture of higher education without these unnecessary and malicious employers/facilitators? The relationship between academics and students on the one side and universities and colleges on the other is like an abusive marriage, the victims just keep coming back for more abuse – tragic. That you and the rest of the academy think this abuse will stop if only our spouses would change and be more like we want, like we envision the perfect spouse at the AAUP – comedy.

    And don’t bother with criticism by disanalogy: I repeat, there is available to all victims of HEIs an alternative effective, safe, welcoming, respectful, powerful(!) place from which to practice higher education, the model I develop, and with which I could use help in further developing, promoting and implementing – because I really do care about the students.

    The reasoning in this article is another example of the blind assumption of the HEI model, which is the unquestioned backdrop for higher education drama over the centuries. During this instance of drama, another intelligent, experienced, sincerely motived person walks right up the professional model for higher education service – “Maybe it’s when they pass the bar or licensing exam” – but can’t see how this is a solution. No matter, since in this case, it is even less likely to be seen, as the author is not only a well-placed faculty employee of an HEI, but an AAUP unionphile.

    I can hear it now, “And proud of it! Working from the inside to make a better higher education sector for all! To save our university!” Fist-pump to the air! Hell, no. Stop being a willing victim. Step out of the HEI model of union represented employees. Step into a legislated profession. And get on with the proper, effective protection of students and academics, sans HEIs. You are wrong, things are not different on campus today, at least not in ways that mitigate the historically persistent horrors of the HEI model…but they could be, if we change the model.

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