figure showing data related to policies on stopping the tenure clock for family care at four-year institutions

AAUP Report Offers Snapshot of Tenure Practices and Policies

BY HANS-JOERG TIEDE Today, we released the 2022 AAUP Survey of Tenure Practices, the first survey of its kind since 2004. The findings offer a snapshot of prevailing tenure practices and policies at four-year institutions with tenure systems. Among those findings, the survey found that tenure is highly prevalent throughout US higher education, with 87 percent…

papers on a desk include images of a colorful bar chart and graph line plotting data points in red and blue

Good and Bad News in Latest AAUP Report on Shared Governance

BY HANS-JOERG TIEDE On October 14, the AAUP released its third report on data collected from this year’s Shared Governance Survey as part of a special issue of Academe dedicated to governance. This report focuses on responses to questions about the composition of senates and similar faculty governance bodies and the conduct of presidential searches, as well as findings…

Chart showing difference between 2000 and 2020 use of AAUP language in faculty handbooks.

New Report on Prevalence of AAUP Policies in Higher Ed

BY HANS-JOERG TIEDE The AAUP released today a new research report, Policies on Academic Freedom, Dismissal for Cause, Financial Exigency, and Program Discontinuance, that examines the prevalence of AAUP-supported policies in faculty handbooks and collective bargaining agreements at four-year institutions that have a tenure system. The analysis replicates a study conducted in 2000 and tracks changes that…

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AAUP Removes University of Iowa, Stillman College from List of Sanctioned/Censured Institutions

BY JOERG TIEDE Delegates to the 104th Annual Meeting of the American Association of University Professors voted today to remove the University of Iowa from the list of sanctioned institutions as well as to remove Stillman College from the list of censured administrations. The AAUP places academic institutions on the sanction list for serious departures…


Unilateral Governance Changes at Maricopa

BY HANS-JOERG TIEDE The AAUP today wrote to the governing board of the Maricopa Community College District in Arizona to convey our concern over apparent departures from generally accepted principles of academic governance. The matter stems from a February resolution of the governing board that terminated a “meet-and-confer” provision of the faculty policy manual and…


AAUP Urges CSU Chancellor to Suspend Executive Orders

BY JOERG TIEDE The national American Association of University Professors joins its California state conference in urging the suspension of two executive orders, EO 1100 (revised) and EO 1110, that make extensive changes to the general education requirements, placement testing, and remedial education policies applying to all of the California State University (CSU) campuses. The…