The Two AAUPs

BY MATTHEW BOEDY In the past few days, as president of the Georgia conference of the AAUP, I have received two interesting comments from faculty in my state.  The first was a plea to organize, rally, and protest more “to build collective strength.” The second was a plea to reform the AAUP because in the…

AAUP buttons with the slogan "One Faculty"

Higher Education Exile and Resilience

BY MATTHEW BOEDY Amid our new national situation that officially began this week I hope readers of this blog find useful two books published this month.Asking you to forgive the self-promotion, I note from the start that I have chapters in both.  The first book is about exile, specifically in higher education. The collection of…

black computer screen with TARGETED THREAT in read amid repeating lines of the numbers one and zero in various patterns

Thinking Out Loud About the Future

BY MATTHEW BOEDY My former classmate Phil Christman wrote a long essay at Plough about the future of higher education, the humanities, and his particular context as a lecturer at the University of Michigan. If you haven’t read it, I wanted to bring it to your attention because it’s great.  I wanted to highlight the…

black chalkboard with the word TENURE in chalk; a chalk imprint of an eraser appears in the lower-right corner

A Review of Post-Tenure Review in Georgia

BY MATTHEW BOEDY As attacks on higher education and tenure spread, it behooves faculty to make sure stakeholders such as legislators know the facts about tenure.  The most common reasoning for post-tenure review is the myth of the “deadwood” tenured professor. We on campus have always known it is a myth. But now the very…

A hand putting a ballot in box

2024 Endorsement from Higher Education

BY MATTHEW BOEDY With organizational help from Washington Post humor columnist Alexandria Petri’s recent piece on presidential endorsements . . . The Washington Post, among other major newspapers, is not endorsing presidential candidates this year.   And major universities are stepping back from issuing statements on matters of public concern. Since the latter institutions are choosing…

white speech cloud with SURVEY in bright blue letters on bright blue background

Results from 2024 Faculty in the South Survey

BY MATTHEW BOEDY A first-of-its-kind survey of higher education faculty across the South has revealed that an overwhelming majority of respondents in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and Arkansas are deeply dissatisfied with the current state of higher education. The survey, which received responses from nearly 3,000…

white speech cloud with SURVEY in bright blue letters on bright blue background

2024 AAUP Faculty in the South Survey

BY MATTHEW BOEDY The 2024 AAUP Faculty in the South Survey is live. If you are a faculty member of any kind in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas we want to hear from you. Here is the link to the survey. Please fill out the survey…

camouflage-patterned fabric in various shades of green, brown, and black

The Sad Student with a Gun on a Rooftop

BY MATTHEW BOEDY “When you read about this kid–he was 20, no longer a child, but far from a mature adult too–it all seems very confused. He’s a sad kid, of a kind I’ve seen dozens of times in my classrooms.” This quote is from American historian John Haas about the young man who tried…
