Fox News to Hire Fat and Ugly Women, O'Reilly Undergoing Hormone Treatments
In an announcement that shocked even the last reader of Victoria’s Secret catalogs alive, Brian Kilmeade, Fox News announced that it is going to do a booty-reset, which entails the hiring of on-air personnel, particularly female ones, that are fat and ugly. “We are undergoing a paradigm shift,” a masked and invisible spokes-entity for Fox…
Nude Adult Models, William Bennett, Common Core, Rotten Teachers, Apples, Robert Frost
I had originally begun politely with a news hook quoting William J. Bennett on the common core, and will return to it, but as things are in our society, I think the following will give the common core more publicity: As reported by Eric Owens, education editor of The Daily Caller, in “Common Core is…
Papa John's Pizza Plot: Heimlich Maneuver Needed for Schools, Parents and Students
Why Educators and Students Don't Need the Apple iPhone 6 and Plus or XYZ
The launch of the new Apple iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus is big in every way if you count numbers. Orders in the first 24 hours are said to have been more than 4 million strong, and according to the Wall Street Journal, citing people familiar with the matter, “Apple’s main manufacturing supplier, Hon…
It's Okay to be a Thug in College–If You Play Football
Online Education: The Great American Class Divider
Here we go again. And there’s more. Corinthian Colleges, after having dashed any academic hopes of its students, is now also accused of predatory lending. That the wake and fiasco continue should come as no surprise, as online education continues to be the equivalent of fast food in many instances–too convenient and advertised with the…
Rotten Teacher's Apple: The Common Core
In a recent opinion piece by William J. Bennett in the Wall Street Journal, “The Conservative Case for a Common Core,” with an unfortunate double-entendre title that misfires, one statement makes good sense: “Nearly all Americans agree that to prepare a child for civic responsibility and competition in the modern economy, he or she must be…
The Misguided Battle Between Cursive and Writing Produced on a Smartphone
In a recent article in Inside Higher Ed, I closed with, “Is there room for cursive writing as we now begin the academic year in the not-so-hallowed halls of academe across America? Sure, but along with this kind of circus-act writing there is room, even more so, for the two-thumb essay.” Thinking about students writing…