Congratulations to Kevin Cope!

Dr. Kevin L. Cope — professor of English at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge; chair of the LSU Faculty Senate; and member of the AAUP’s national Council — has received the inaugural Outstanding Service to Higher Education award from the Association of Louisiana Faculty Senates (ALFS), who also named the annual award as the Kevin…

Response to Jonathan Marks

In a post published yesterday on this blog, Aaron Barlow replied to a Weekly Standard review, by Professor Jonathan Marks of Ursinus College, of Joerg Tiede’s recently published study of the founding of the AAUP, University Reform.  But Aaron focused more on a New York Times column by Arthur Brooks so his discussion of Marks…

AAUP Brief Supports Academic Freedom in Research

The following is taken from a media release issued today by the AAUP: The American Association of University Professors filed an amicus brief on October 26 with the Arizona Court of Appeals arguing that academic freedom to conduct research is essential to a vital university system and warrants protecting certain research records from disclosure. This case…

AAUP Supports Campus Equity Week

Today launches Campus Equity Week, during which groups plan local actions to draw attention to working conditions of faculty. Campus Equity Week is an annual event started by the Coalition of Contingent Academic Labor, a grassroots coalition of activists in North America working for contingent faculty: adjunct, part-time, non-tenured, and graduate teaching faculty working to bring greater awareness…

Is the AAUP a Nakedly Partisan Left-Wing Group?

Jonathan Marks at Minding the Campus has denounced the AAUP, claiming that it “takes a sharp left turn.” Marks claims that the AAUP’s Centennial Declaration is “the most nakedly partisan document to emerge from the AAUP in recent memory.” Marks writes, “According to the Declaration, higher education faces one and only one enemy, corporations or business…

Dominican University Forms New A.A.U.P. Chapter

Dominican University in River Forest, a suburb of Chicago, has formed a new A.A.U.P. chapter. They received a welcoming letter e-mail from Alexis Pearlstein, administrative assistant in the Department of Organizing. It included a copy of the Association’s constitution, which is not in the current Redbook. I am linking it here. From: Alexis Pearlstein Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015…

Opposition to Secret Presidential Searches Spreads

The decision last month of the Iowa Board of Regents to name former IBM senior vice president J. Bruce Harreld as the University of Iowa’s next president, despite widespread opposition to his candidacy among faculty and others, has brought renewed attention to presidential searches.  This past weekend at the request of the UI AAUP chapter…

Texas Conference of AAUP Opposes "Campus Carry"

This past weekend the Executive Committee of the Texas Conference of the AAUP issued the following statement: The Executive Committee of the Texas Conference of the American Association of University Professors continues to oppose the ‘campus carry’ laws. College campuses are marketplaces of ideas, and a rigorous academic exchange of ideas is chilled by weapons…