Fast Facts: Letting the Numbers Speak Volumes

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH During our protracted contract campaign, which started in January 2018, we have greatly expanded our communication strategies. The new approaches to reaching our members, others in the university community, and residents of the surrounding communities through the local news media have included the distribution, physically and digitally, of Fast Facts flyers that…

college building with text overlay: Will Higher Education Heed Bond Rating Agency Warnings?

Do Colleges Have Strength to Heed Bond Rating Agency Warnings?

BY BRIAN C. MITCHELL Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s recently released their updated outlooks for American higher education. The news is not good. Moody’s revised its 2018 outlook for higher education from stable to negative “as aggregate operating revenue moderates while expense growth increases.” Moody’s vice president, Susan E. Shaffer, elaborated: “the annual change in…

Oberlin College building with text overlay: Oberlin's Financial Crisis is Sobering Lesson for Higher Education

Don’t blame liberal campus culture for Oberlin’s enrollment headache

BY BRIAN C. MITCHELL Last month, Rick Seltzer reported in Inside Higher Education about a brewing controversy at Oberlin College, which is facing a significant financial shortfall. The College, including its prestigious Conservatory, faces a multi-million dollar deficit caused largely by lower-than-expected enrollment. A group of trustees charged with looking into Oberlin’s shortfall found that…