Columbia Provost Coatsworth Escalates Assault on Grad Student Union Rights

BY HANK REICHMAN Back in August, the National Labor Relations Board ruled in the Columbia University case that student employees at private universities have the right to organize unions to bargain collectively over the terms of their employment.  Within a week Columbia’s provost, historian John Coatsworth, responded with a letter to the campus community, which…

On This Day of Thanks

BY MARTIN KICH I am thankful for all of those who have worked and who continue to work to promote workers’ rights and to insure that workers have some meaningful voice in their workplaces. I am thankful to those who have worked and who continue to work to insure that workers receive fair treatment, a…

Victory at Harvard!

BY HANK REICHMAN Early yesterday morning Harvard University and its striking food service workers reached a tentative agreement, which, if approved by union members in a vote scheduled for today, will bring to an end a 22-day strike that garnered national attention.  (For previous posts on this blog about the strike go here, here, here,…

AAUP Supports APSCUF in Struggle for Quality Education, Fair Contract

POSTED BY HANK REICHMAN The following statement was issued by Rudy Fichtenbaum, President of the American Association of University Professors, and Howard Bunsis, chair of the AAUP Collective Bargaining Congress: “The AAUP and the AAUP-CBC stand in solidarity with our colleagues in Association of Pennsylvania State Colleges and University Faculties (APSCUF) in their struggle for…

Harvard Faculty Members Support Strikers

BY HANK REICHMAN In an update to my previous post on the continuing strike of food service workers at Harvard University, I called attention to a walkout by hundreds of Harvard students on Monday in support of the strikers.  As the students and workers rallied, Kennedy School of Government lecturer Timothy P. McCarthy, a Harvard…

Support APSCUF Strike!

BY HANK REICHMAN Faculty members at Pennsylvania’s 14 state-owned universities went on strike today after bargaining to prevent the first classroom walkout in the system’s 34 years collapsed. The Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties (APSCUF) announced shortly after 5 a.m. that a strike could not be averted after five consecutive days of…