University Administrator and Faculty Pay in the New Gilded Age

BY PAUL CAMPOS The following is reposted with permission from the Lawyers, Guns, and Money blog.  Paul Campos is Professor of Law at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Here are some numbers that I hope speak for themselves. ALL FIGURES ARE INFLATION-ADJUSTED INTO CONSTANT 2018 OR 2019 DOLLARS. Salary of full-time faculty at American colleges…

calculator, pen, and ruler on top of graph paper

Measures of Administrative Bloat

BY MADHUKAR VABLE Large classes, replacing tenure-track faculty with contingent faculty without fringe benefits, and subpar wages have not put brakes on tuition increases in excess of inflation, because the cost drivers prior to the pandemic were not in the instructional part of the universities. Administrative bloat is one of the cost drivers, but there…

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Annual Report on the Economic Status of the Profession, 2019-20

BY THE AAUP RESEARCH OFFICE This year’s Annual Report on the Economic Status of the Profession summarizes results from the 2019–20 Faculty Compensation Survey, which collected data from 928 colleges and universities across the United States, including community colleges, small liberal arts colleges, and major research universities. The survey covered almost 380,000 full-time and more…


2019-20 AAUP Faculty Compensation Survey Results

BY THE AAUP RESEARCH OFFICE For our annual Faculty Compensation Survey, the AAUP collected data from 928 colleges and universities across the United States, including community colleges, small liberal arts colleges, and major research universities. The 2019–20 survey covers almost 380,000 full-time and more than 96,000 part-time faculty members, as well as senior administrators at…

Image shows abstract graph lines to suggest charts that track data.

Annual Report on the Economic Status of the Profession, 2018-19

BY GWENDOLYN BRADLEY The AAUP has released the Annual Report on the Economic Status of the Profession, 2018–19. This year’s report provides an overview of the results of the 2018–19 AAUP Faculty Compensation Survey, which compiled data on more than 380,000 full-time faculty members at 952 colleges and universities, as well as improved data on pay…

graphic showing gender pay gap for faculty in academic year 2018-2019.

Little Movement on Salaries and Gender Pay Disparity

BY GWENDOLYN BRADLEY Faculty salaries barely budged when adjusted for inflation during the 2018-2019 academic year, according to the AAUP’s 2018-19 Faculty Compensation Survey. Average salaries for full-time faculty members at US colleges and universities are 2 percent higher in 2018-19 than they were in the preceding academic year, but with prices in the economy…