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Wanting More from CGS’s Data on PhDs

BY KELLY HAND The Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) recently released a research brief analyzing results of a survey of humanities PhD recipients who were three, eight, and fifteen years out of programs at thirty-five institutions. With a data sample of 882 respondents, the report focuses on PhDs working in academic and nonacademic jobs “closely…

barbed wire in swirled pattern atop fence

Jailhouse Scholar

BY JAMES FERRY When I submitted my piece for the September-October issue of Academe, “How the Academy Saved My Soul—and Maybe My Life,” I figured that, at best, I might end up guest blogging. So being asked to blog about my feature article feels a bit…weird. I’d much rather blog about why I lacked “contributor…


Statement of Concerned U. of Chicago Faculty in Support of Graduate Students United

POSTED BY HANK REICHMAN The following statement is reposted from the website of the University of Chicago chapter of the AAUP.  Statement of Concerned Faculty in Support of Graduate Students United The University of Chicago’s campaign against graduate student unionization has significantly damaged the integrity of the University both morally and intellectually. In his February…


My Alma Mater Is An Embarrassment

BY HANK REICHMAN Fifty years ago this April the administration of Columbia University deployed the New York City Police Department to clear hundreds of student protesters from five campus buildings they had occupied for nearly a week, during which the police ran riot, indiscriminately beating students and faculty members, protesting or not, while “clearing” the…