John McAdams Criticizes Marquette University Climate Survey: A Critique

Professor John McAdams on his blog this week harshly criticizes the Marquette University Climate Survey on sexual identity at the Jesuit institution in Milwaukee. He has every right to articulate his views on this matter, and professors should freely engage in institutional criticism and practices. It is a fundamental right of academic freedom and shared governance. Yet one is free to critique…

The Most LGBT-Friendly and -Unfriendly Colleges and Universities in the United States

The Princeton Review’s list of the 20 most LGBT-friendly colleges and universities in the U.S.: 1. Emerson College (Boston, Mass.) 2. Warren Wilson College (Asheville, N.C.) 3. New College of Florida (Sarasota, Fla.) 4. Stanford University (Stanford, Calif.) 5. University of Wisconsin-Madison (Madison, Wis.) 6. Oberlin College (Oberlin, Ohio) 7. Franklin W. Olin College of…

When Religious Beliefs Conflict with Public Policy

Writing for the Boston Globe, Oliver Ortega has reported on the Lynn, Massachusetts, school district’s decision to sever ties with Gordon College, a Christian institution that has placed student teachers in the district’s classrooms for more than a decade. The tension between the college’s and the school district’s positions on the employment rights of gay,…

Mills College Becomes the First Single-Gender College to Admit Transgender Students

There are currently 119 single-gender colleges and universities in the United States. Mills College in Oakland, California, has become the first of those institutions to admit transgender students. The college’s undergraduate admission policy on “transgender or gender questioning- applicants” now permits “applicants whose gender identity does not match their legally assigned sex” as of the…