Kavanaugh v. Academic Knowledge

BY CHRISTOPHER NEWFIELD Christopher Newfield is Professor of English at the University of California at Santa Barbara.  This piece is reposted with permission from the Remaking the University blog.  Many people are worried about the damage the Kavanaugh appointment will do to the Supreme Court and to American politics.  I’m worried about the new damage…

Links and Random Thoughts on the “Sokal Squared” Hoax

BY HANK REICHMAN Last week three scholars published an article reporting on how they had submitted over twenty fraudulent and purportedly ridiculous nonsense papers to various journals in gender and diversity studies.  Seven were accepted, four were published online, and three were in process when the authors “had to take the project public prematurely and…

Science History Podcast Counters Attacks on Science

BY FRANK VON HIPPEL Like many Americans, I felt distressed about the Trump Administration’s attacks on science and scientists following the 2016 election, especially as those attacks related to critical environmental issues such as climate change and pollution. I participated in the March for Science, but at the same time pondered what I could do…

Trump Once Again Attacks Science

BY HANK REICHMAN The Trump administration’s disregard for and assault on science have been well documented by the AAUP, the Union of Concerned Scientists, and others.  Now President Trump himself and his FEMA administrator, Brock Long, have attacked the credibility of a study by George Washington University’s Milken Institute School of Public Health, which found…

What We Should Be Worried About

BY AARON BARLOW Most everything I’ve read about NYU’s Avital Ronell misses what should be the most significant point of the messy affair. Yes, Ronell should not be defended in knee-jerk fashion nor piled on by acrimonious former colleagues. Nor is it enough to bemoan the impact of the case on the classroom. What we really…

Sidelining Science Under Trump

ДBY HANK REICHMAN A new survey of 63,000 scientific experts across 16 federal agencies, conducted by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) in cooperation with the Center for Survey Statistics and Methodology at Iowa State University, shows that the Trump administration continues to “sideline science.”  According to the survey, government scientists report iissues including “censorship…


POSTED BY MARTIN KICH My previous post included information on a species of shark named after Eugenie Clark. By happy coincidence, our chapter’s ongoing effort to illustrate how faculty make a difference in their students’ lives, in their communities, and in their disciplines now includes this item: Tom Rooney is a professor of biology at…

Explaining the Popularity of “Shark Week”

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH Each year, “Shark Week” marks the persistently popular, binge recycling of the films in the Jaws franchise and several dozen documentaries about how sharks mercilessly hunt seals and other prey. (As if to balance out the carnage inflicted upon the seals, in one documentary a Great White is ambushed and killed…