CFHE Response to President Obama’s August 22, 2013 Plan for Higher Education

The Campaign for the Future of Higher Education [ ] is a loose association of the major faculty unions and faculty associations in the United States. These groups have come together several times each year to share information on issues affecting high education and to shape responses to those issues that emphasize the paramount importance…

Statement on the President’s Proposal for Performance Based Funding, by Rudy Fichtenbaum, President of AAUP

In an attempt to rein in rising tuition and skyrocketing debt President Obama has announced a plan for performance based funding for higher education. Under his plan colleges would be rated on affordability, graduation rates and earnings of graduates. While we applaud the President for raising concerns over rising tuition and student debt, concerns that…

What Catchphrases and Euphemisms Is Your College or University Using to Sell Itself to Prospective Students?

Writing for U.S. News and World Report, Luke Mullins has compiled “The Real Estate Euphemism Pocket Translator.” Here is a sample of the entries: Cozy Home: Too small for your big-screen TV. East Access to Everywhere: Can mean backing up to an expressway. Finishing Touches Needed: Often means lighting, hardware, paint, wood trim, and carpet.…

The Deepening Caste System in Higher Education

Many commentators on what is undermining higher education have focused on administrative bloat, on the increasing allocation of revenues to non-instructional or administrative positions. Some have pointed to the increasing exploitation of adjunct faculty at most institutions, citing the very minimal compensation, the non-existent benefits, the general lack of staff support, and the complete lack…

The Student-Loan Rate Impasse—or, At One Point Does an Impasse Make a Crisis Significantly Worse?

Much attention has been paid to the ballooning accumulation of student debt and its short- and long-term impact on the U.S. economy. As a response to the Great Recession, most states dramatically reduced their subsidies supporting public colleges and universities over a series of annual budgets. In the last year or two, some states have…

Daring and Foolishness

Earlier this week, I was one of the 13 million American television viewers—along with uncounted millions of viewers in 200+ other countries–who tuned in to the Discovery Channel to watch Nik Wallenda walk across a gorge of the Grand Canyon on a two-inch steel cable. He carried a 30-foot-long balancing pole that weighed a little…

Letter from the CFHE Steering Committee to the Committee on Institutional Cooperation

From: [] Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 10:50 AM To: Subject: Letter from Campaign for the Future of Higher Education June 24, 2013 Dear Members of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation: We read with interest your recent paper, “CIC Online Learning Collaboration: A Vision and Framework [],” and the Inside Higher Ed coverage of it [].…