
Putting the Scope of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Perspective

BY MARTIN KICH Despite the considerable efforts to personalize the toll of the COVID-19 pandemic, the politicization of the pandemic has resulted in endless arguments over what all sorts of moving numbers mean. I think that putting the current numbers in some broader perspective could help to show why much of the other noise about…

Empty lecture hall

Principles of Academic Governance during the COVID-19 Pandemic

BY THE COMMITTEE ON COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY GOVERNANCE The AAUP released today the following statement by the AAUP’s Committee on College and University Governance. In response to growing concern over unilateral actions taken by governing boards and administrations during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Committee on College and University Governance affirms that the fundamental principles and…

Another Casualty of COVID-19

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH Off and on throughout last evening, I checked the results of the election for the seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. If you have not seen the results, here’s how the election turned out: At the beginning of the evening, I was gearing myself up to write a very caustic post,…

Whitman College

Equity and Teaching During the COVID-19 Pandemic

BY AARON BARLOW The organization Tenure for the Common Good has issued a Statement on Equitiy and Teaching During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Follow the link to read the whole of it, but here are the first few paragraphs: The COVID-19 pandemic presents significant challenges to higher education. Tens of thousands of faculty are suddenly moving…


Teaching Art Online under COVID-19

BY KAITLIN POMERANTZ The following is reposted with permission from Hyperallergic, “a forum for playful, serious, and radical perspectives on art in society.”  Kaitlin Pomerantz is an artist and educator in Philadelphia. In the short story “Swim Team,” by Miranda July, the protagonist teaches a group of people in a land-locked town to swim without…