COVID-19 is spelled out with white pills on a red background that has white balls with the tips of cotton swabs stuck in them, as if to resemble the coronavirus's molecular structure

Reflections on the COVID-19 Years

BY SUSAN E. MASON May 11, 2023, marked the end of the federal COVID-19 public health emergency declaration. COVID-19 is not gone, to be sure, but we now have a better understanding of the severity and spread of the virus, how to protect ourselves, and how to protect our students. We were all in the…

COVID-19 vaccine vial

How COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates May Skew Campus Viewpoints

BY PAUL DILLER COVID-19 vaccine mandates have been in effect at hundreds of universities for more than a year now. The 2022–2023 academic year is the second consecutive year during which many universities require some amount of COVID-19 vaccination from students, faculty, and staff.  As the Centers for Disease Control’s recent guide to COVID-19 prevention…

graying man wearing mask, holding textbook and writing on chalkboard

What Instructors Need to Know about COVID-19 Risks

BY FRANK E. RITTER AND DONALD A. DONAHUE We will need to continue to protect ourselves from COVID-19, probably through spring 2022. Colleges and universities have long been recognized as places of increased risk for communicable diseases. While higher education has benefited from immunization mandates against “childhood diseases” in primary and secondary schools, they have…

confusing signs

COVID-19 Chaos on Campuses

BY JENNIFER RUTH As Carolyn Betensky’s posts made clear (see here, here and here), universities and colleges are not prepared to safely protect faculty and students as classes begin this fall. Individual crises are erupting everywhere (as this Inside Higher Ed article about more professors quitting over face-to-face teaching mandates details) and some organized actions…

Fall Academe Takes Stock of the COVID-19 Crisis

POSTED BY THE AAUP Fall 2020 | Vol. 106, No. 4 The fall issue of Academe takes stock of the crisis that has transformed our lives and the way we work. It features a series of reflections on faculty life during the pandemic as well as articles that look ahead to the near- and long-term challenges…

magnifying glass on top of colorful file folders

Investigation into Governance Issues Posed by the COVID-19 Pandemic

BY GREGORY SCHOLTZ The American Association of University Professors has authorized an investigation of the crisis in academic governance that has occurred in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, with a focus on seven institutions: Canisius College (NY), Illinois Wesleyan University, Keuka College (NY), Marian University(WI), Medaille College (NY), National University (CA), and Wittenberg University…