Ensuring Faculty Voices in Budget-Cut Decisions

BY DEBORAH BELL, SUSAN DENNISON, SPOMA JOVANOVIC, JESSICA NAVARRO, AND JONATHAN TUDGE As colleges and universities address myriad crises—including enrollment declines, operating changes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, questions about the value of a college degree, and the need to mitigate racial tensions on campus—higher education budgets have come under increasing scrutiny, and talk…

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Announcing the New Podcast AAUP Presents

BY MARIAH QUINN The AAUP has launched a podcast called AAUP Presents, which takes a look at issues such as shared governance, academic freedom, and institutional debt. The first three episodes are available now. The series kicks off with an interview with AAUP president Irene Mulvey, who takes us through some of AAUP’s work this…

Florida’s and China’s Viewpoint Monitoring Laws

BY THOMAS A. BRESLIN Republican Governor Ron DeSantis and his allies have used conflict-of-interest policies meant to keep China from poaching American intellectual property to muzzle Florida’s public college and university professors. So doing, they’ve managed to deny the public access to the expertise of public university and college faculty members, threatened public health, put…

Welcome to Rogues’ Gallery University

BY HANK REICHMAN Yesterday’s launch of a new “university,” the so-called University of Austin (or UATX; their own acronym, which looks more like a listing on the stock exchange), garnered widespread ridicule on academic social media.  University of Rhode Island historian Erik Loomis no doubt spoke for many when he tweeted, “Honestly, making fun of…