Should we limit expression in our classrooms? If so, why?

BY ELIZABETH J. MEYER The topic of free speech on college campuses has been an important one and one that continues to be debated particularly in the wake of Milo Yiannopolis’s speaking tour last year and the 2016 presidential election. With groups like Turning Point USA pouring significant resources into sponsoring conservative speakers like Ann…


New Academe is a Call to Action for the Fight Ahead

BY KELLY HAND With the inauguration of president-elect Donald Trump just two days away, and with legislators in several states targeting higher education—through efforts to eliminate tenure (Iowa and Missouri) and specific courses or programs (Wisconsin and Arizona)—there is an urgent need for faculty to take action to protect academic freedom and quality higher education. The…


American Dialect Society 2016 Words of the Year

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH POLITICAL WORD OF THE YEAR deplorables (basket of): epithet used by Clinton in speech about Trump supporters nasty woman: epithet used by Trump addressing Clinton in final presidential debate Pantsuit Nation: popular Facebook group for Clinton supporters post-truth: belonging to a time in which facts matter less than beliefs and emotions…


Where Do We, As Teachers, Go from Here?

BY AARON BARLOW President of the National Council of Teachers of English Doug Hesse posted on Facebook today that he is scrapping his upcoming presidential address “hoping I can find something to say to about the prospects of teaching reading and writing in a country where so much hatred abounds, where facts do not matter,…


Appeals to Millennial Voters

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH SNL Spoof Ad for Hillary Clinton:   Ad from Will Ferrell:   Speech by Chloe Grace Moretz at Democratic National Convention:   Ad from Trump’s children widely panned on Twitter:  


Donald Trump's War on Education

BY JOHN K. WILSON Donald Trump spent most of the 2016 campaign saying almost nothing about education. But recently, Trump has made comments revealing that if he wins the presidency, it could have dramatic and alarming effects on public schools and universities. In his latest pronouncements about universities and in his “Contract with the American…


Quotation of the Day

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH Trump said at a rally in Albuquerque: “You know, it would be much easier working for Obama or working for Crooked Hillary because, frankly, when you’re working for Hillary, she wants to let people just pour in. You could have 650 million people pour in, and we do nothing about it. Think of…