Affluence and Influence Are Always Relative is a website specializing in interior design, décor, and real estate. You can receive a daily newsletter that typically features an expensive residence with some sort of unusual overall design or notable features or some intriguing aspects to its history. Yesterday, that daily newsletter featured this Long Island residence:   Here is the description…


The Best Novels Set in Every State: Part 2, Hawaii to Maryland

These are my alternatives to the list created by Melia Robinson and Melissa Stanger for Business Insider. I am excluding works of nonfiction and listing my top three choices for each state. Titles included in the list compiled by Robinson and Stanger are indicated in boldface. Hawaii From Here to Eternity James Jones Heads by…


The Best Novels Set in Every State: Part 1, Alabama to Georgia

These are my alternatives to the list created by Melia Robinson and Melissa Stanger for Business Insider. I am excluding works of nonfiction and listing my top three choices for each state. Titles included in the list compiled by Robinson and Stanger are indicated in boldface. Alabama To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee Southern Discomfort…