New Volume of the Journal of Academic Freedom

POSTED BY KELLY HAND We are pleased to announce the publication of Volume 8 of the AAUP’s Journal of Academic Freedom. The journal features recent scholarship on academic freedom and its relation to shared governance, tenure, and collective bargaining. Highlights from the volume include an article by Andrew Ross on academic labor and human rights at…


Trading Academic Freedom for Foreign Markets

By Marjorie Heins, founder, Free Expression Policy Project The current controversy over Yale University’s planned campus in Singapore is, at bottom, an argument over how much compromise on free speech is justified in exchange for the presumed benefits of locating branches of U.S. universities within authoritarian regimes. Although the champions of global ventures like Yale’s…


An Attack on Andrew Ross

Rarely have I read anything on the Chronicle of Higher Education website quite so repulsive as the blog by Diane Auer Jones demanding the firing of New York University professor Andrew Ross on grounds of “educational malpractice” for encouraging students to join the Occupy Student Loan movement. Incredibly, the video of Ross at Occupy Wall…