Ohio Legislators Demand Ban on “Porn” at Kent State University

BY JOHN K. WILSON I have an essay posted today at the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) blog about a particularly disturbing case at Kent State University where state legislators are explicitly threatening millions of dollars in state funding unless the university bans a textbook that offended the Republican politicians. Here are…


Banned Books Quiz

A few days ago I posted a brief piece, “Which Banned Book Are You?“, that linked to a quiz posted by librarians at Columbus State Community College to promote the annual Banned Books Week, which runs through tomorrow.  My post has since had over 5,000 visits and has been the most visited post on this…


Which Banned Book Are You?

In recognition of Banned Books Week, September 21-27, librarians at Columbus State Community College (CSCC) in Ohio have developed this quiz which playfully helps you learn which banned book bests fits your personality!  Try it here: http://www.playbuzz.com/columbusstatelibrary10/which-banned-book-are-you CSCC is one of seven organizations to win Banned Books Week grants from the Freedom to Read Foundation’s…