A New Contract at Cincinnati State

From the AAUP website: Faculty at Cincinnati State have a new contract. “During the past few months of negotiation, the administration positions became increasingly extreme and the possibility of reaching meaningful, economically sound compromises seemed unlikely,” Cincinnati State AAUP past president Pam Ecker said in a statement. “Faculty members agreed to accept this contract resolution…


Higher Education Update (Including Cincinnati State Strike)

Laura Clawson at DailyKos writes about part-time student graduation rates and notes, “don’t try to pretend that economic factors aren’t affecting college completion rates.” Roger Shuler writes about being threatened with a libel suit by Ted Rollins, the CEO of a student-housing development company. Updates on the Cincinnati State strike: “‘We love our teachers,’ says…


Faculty Strike at Cincinnati State

The AAUP has a statement on the strike at Cincinnati State. Here’s some of the media coverage from the AAUP website: “The administration’s original proposal included a workload increase that is more than 20 percent higher than the standard workload at comparable institutions. This would dramatically reduce the ability of faculty members to maintain the…