Tracking the Silencing of Science

BY HANK REICHMAN Issued in December, the AAUP’s report, “National Security, the Assault on Science, and Academic Freedom,” examines politically motivated threats to scientific research, with emphasis on threats to climate science and on the initial actions of the Trump administration.  As one of the authors of this report I learned how daunting, if not…


Court Decisions Make Climate Science E-Mails Public

BY HANK REICHMAN Advocates of academic freedom generally find freedom of information laws beneficial.  Such laws enhance public knowledge and debate on the workings of government agencies, including public universities. But as a 2013 amicus brief filed by the AAUP and the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) pointed out, “in evaluating disclosure under FOIA, the public’s right to know…


How Many Moses-es Will It Take to Push Back These Waters?

Several days ago, I did a post on how rising ocean levels will affect Florida. Here is a link to a short but very pointed video on how rising ocean levels will affect the coastlines of southern and eastern Asia: I doubt that such forecasting or modeling will be appreciated by those who are…