Jerry Brown, Chipotle, and Higher Ed

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH One of the basic logical fallacies that composition teachers warn their students to avoid is argument by analogy. No one has ever accused California Governor Jerry Brown of being uneducated or unintelligent. But, all too often, Progressives have latched onto their own harebrained ideas about “reforming” education. Of course, political brainstorms…

Performance Funding Is Only Increasing the Problems That It Is Ostensibly Supposed to Solve

The Community College Research Center at the Columbia University Teachers College has released a report on “Unintended Impacts of Performance Funding on Community Colleges and Universities in Three States.” The full text of this CCRC Working Paper No. 78 is available at The report’s authors are Hana Lahr, Lara Pheatt, Kevin J. Dougherty, Sosanya…