On the Issues: “Higher Education Misconceived”

An “On the Issues” Post from the Campaign for the Future of Higher Education [http://futureofhighered.org] _______________ In a recent article, Derek Bok, former President of Harvard University, pinpointed several misconceptions about higher education that are driving our national discussion and policy. He tackles, for instance, the almost exclusive emphasis on college as an agent of…


Remarks in Response to a Bond-Trader’s Case for Dramatically Reducing Federal Debt, in 63 Charts: Part 2

The first post in this series is available at: https://academeblog.org/2013/12/15/remarks-in-response-to-a-bond-traders-case-for-drastically-reducing-federal-debt-in-63-charts-part-1/ Here is an excerpt from that post to re-establish the context; you can skip to the end of the italicized part if you read and recall the initial post: Jeff Gundlach is the CEO of Doubleline Capital, a Los Angeles-based investment firm. He was previously…
