Image of the Day

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH   This photo by Eric Thayer for Reuters shows some of the 7,000 pairs of shoes lined up on the Capitol lawn to commemorate the more than 7,000 children who have been killed by guns since the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012.


Support Gun Violence Research

POSTED BY HANK REICHMAN The following is the text of an open letter to members of the U.S. Congress co-written by the March for Science and the American Psychological Association and signed by a growing number of scholarly organizations, including the AAUP.  To add your signature go to To: The Members of Congress ​Three…


From Ferguson to Parkland

BY HANK REICHMAN No doubt like every other reader of this blog I’ve been awestruck and inspired by the response of the students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, to the horrific mass shooting that struck down 17 of their classmates.  They have spoken out boldly, demonstrated visibly and loudly, and organized…


Gun Violence Research: A Matter of Academic Freedom

Yesterday, even before the horrendous events in San Bernardino, physicians with Doctors for America, the National Physicians Alliance, Doctors Council, American Medical Women’s Association, American College of Preventive Medicine, The Committee of Interns and Residents, Physicians for the Prevention of Gun Violence, American Medical Student Association, American Academy of Pediatrics and Reps. David Price, Nita Lowey,…


Guns on Campus, Idaho Edition

Last month a bill was introduced in the Idaho legislature to allow guns to be carried on campuses in the state, though they would not be permitted in certain campus buildings or at certain campus events. The Idaho Statesman published an editorial, endorsed by its entire editorial board, opposing the legislation. The following two paragraphs…


Guns, Politics, and Academic Studies

The following piece was written by my former student and friend Mike Lamm. Mike is a reporter for the Decatur Daily Democrat. _________________________ A new study of gun violence in the United States, recently published in the American Journal of Public Health and conducted by researchers at Boston University, has established a convincing statistical connection…


Not Just Appalling, but Hypocritical and Illogical, Too

It is a common tactic among bullies to be absolutely blind to their own insensitivity toward others while being hypersensitive to any perceived slights against them. And that truism has never been on display more absurdly and hypocritically than at this year’s NRA Convention in Texas. Amid all of the hyperventilated rhetoric about President Obama’s…


A Modest Proposal on Gun Violence in Our Schools

The following op-ed piece was originally published in the Los Angeles Times. It is reprinted here with the permission of the author.    Hey, Kids, Don’t Forget Your Guns Op-Ed What’s missing from the typical kindergartner’s backpack? A pistol. December 28, 2012 By Daniel Akst Here we go again. After the tragic school killings in…
