Lightbulb on blackboard, surrounded by idea bubble drawings.

Academic Values and Innovation

BY LESLIE BARY Yesterday a public official, dropping the name of the Lumina Foundation, asked Louisiana faculty for ideas on how to innovate. Did we need help learning to use technology? Would mini-grants help us find new books to replace the outdated ones we might be using? Perhaps we do not need books, but teaching…


Challenging the "Access Myth"

BY KELLY HAND We all like to hear about deserving low-income high school seniors who have won generous college scholarships. However, as Nick Anderson points out in a recent Washington Post article, “For the Poor in the Ivy League, a Free Ride Isn’t Always What They Imagined,” low-income students struggle on a daily basis with…


Poorer by Degrees

Here is a link to Poorer by Degrees, a new short documentary by Jennifer Shuberth, a former faculty member at Portland State University: The documentary questions the premise that our economic growth requires a dramatic increase in the number of college graduates. Indeed, it suggests that the increased emphasis on completing degrees may actually…