Facts, Falsehoods and the First Amendment

POSTED BY HANK REICHMAN Late last year I posted a piece about climate scientist and AAUP Committee A member Michael Mann’s important victory in his ongoing libel suit.  The District of Columbia Court of Appeals ruled in a 111-page opinion that Mann can sue two conservative writers over allegations that they defamed him.  The case centers on…


Michael Mann Wins Important Court Decision

BY HANK REICHMAN In a victory for both academic freedom and science an appeals court ruled today that climate change scientist and AAUP Committee A member Michael Mann can sue two conservative writers over allegations that they defamed him.  The case centers on posts written by Rand Simberg in a Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) blog…


Climate Scientist Awarded Damages

BY HANK REICHMAN [CORRECTION: Professor Mann has pointed out to me that the damage award was made two years ago.  Someone tweeted a link to a story on it this week and I mistakenly thought it was current.  Nevertheless, the issue certainly is still alive] The Virginia Supreme Court has [in July 2014] ordered the…


The Assault on Climate Science

Today’s New York Times has a terrific op-ed piece by Michael Mann, who directs the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State University and is a member of AAUP’s Committee A on Academic Freedom and Tenure.  Mann writes about the efforts of Lamar Smith, the Texas Republican who chairs the House Committee on Science, Space…