OCAAUP Testimony on Budget Bill

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH Last Thursday, April 11, OCAAUP President John McNay testified to the Ohio House Finance Subcommittee on Higher Education on House Bill 166, the biennial state budget bill. In his testimony, McNay advocated for greater State Share of Instruction funding, encouraging the committee members to seek new revenue, if need be, in…


The Ohio AAUP and the Repeal of Senate Bill 5

This is a guest post by John McNay, a contributor to the May–June issue of Academe. McNay  is a professor of history at the University of Cincinnati–Blue Ash. A specialist on the Cold War, he has published books and articles on that period, but his most recent book is Collective Bargaining and the Battle of Ohio: The…


Ohio’s Public-University Presidents Take a Stand, of Sorts, on Faculty Workload

As I have indicated in several previous posts, there is another attempt in this year’s budget review bill (HB 484) in the Ohio legislature to increase faculty workloads by ten percent. I have posted OCAAUP President John McNay’s full testimony on that provision to the House Committee considering the bill. Bruce Johnson has also testified…


Participate or Perish – New Issue of Academe available now

The new issue of Academe, which looks at the public policy landscape for higher ed, has just been posted online. The issue is guest-edited by Brian Turner, a professor of political science at Randolph-Macon College in Virginia and chair of the AAUP’s Government Relations Committee. Turner tells a story in his introduction to the issue which is…