Turning Point Weighs In on the Crisis

BY HANK REICHMAN Yesterday the University of Wisconsin at Madison began instruction online, a move that the great majority of colleges and universities have made or are making in response to the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. Here’s what English professor Caroline Gottschalk Druschke told the Wisconsin State Journal about the move: “None of us are going…


Charlie Kirk Exposes Voter Fraud! (Laughs Ensue)

BY HANK REICHMAN Charlie Kirk is the twenty-something founder of the right-wing “student group” Turning Point USA, sponsor of the notorious Professor Watchlist.  Kirk’s group is so nutso that even the Charles Koch Foundation and the Young America’s Foundation have turned against it.  Sarah Ruger, director of Free Speech Initiatives for the Charles Koch Institute,…


“The Opposition” Takes On Turning Point USA

BY HANK REICHMAN Jordan Klepper’s “The Opposition” on Comedy Central tries to pick up where the old Colbert Report left off.  Like Colbert, Klepper takes on the persona of an arrogant right-wing commentator to satirize the foibles and falsehoods often promoted by such.  Last night his “correspondents” took on Turning Point, USA, sponsor of the…